The Forum

" Hopefully the alternative (to the liberal economic system in crisis) comes from this Forum (Social World-wide) and from America Latina" , Ecuadorian president Rafael added soon Strap, that from the airport went to an act with Latin American social leaders of left and their colleagues, presidents Chvez, Fernando Lugo (Paraguay) and Evo Morales (Bolivia). To they are of songs like " Until Always Comandante" and " Ours juramento" , the presidents of Ecuador, Rafael Strap, of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, and of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, surprised the assistants to World-wide the Social Forum that is carried out in the Brazilian city of Bethlehem adding itself to the musical group that it entertained to the thousands of activists the president Ecuadorian, Rafael Strap sang several songs, soon to double voice with his Paraguayan colleague Fernando Lugo, between these " Yolanda" and " Commander Che Guevara". " The united town never will be vencido" , the participants in the event, all arrived by invitation coreaban. He is indicated, that the Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, were not invited to that particular event, because it is a tie act to the DAWN, the Bolivariana Alternative for the Americas led by Chvez, said the organizers. " We invite the presidents who have an organic relation with the popular movements to construct a political alliance and to advance in integration sudamericana" , the coordinator explained of Without Earth Brazilian Ulisses Manaas, for that Lula is outside that description. This event was a waiting room of the central act at night, in that four agent chief executives and Lula were waited, this time before 10,000 altermundialistas of World-wide the Social Forum. It is possible to emphasize, that the five presidents, all of them with strong historical bows with the social movements, were invited by the Forum to set out the answers that raise to the great subjects that debate the altermundistas: the economic crisis, the search of alternatives to the capitalist model of development and the fight against the climatic change.

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