Social Responsibility

The scale of the problem we address has a significant symptom in pregnancy and early implementation of what is known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which arose a few years ago in the World Forum of Davos. It seems that there is room for all positions on these issues. And it's difficult to establish the limits of each. It must be remembered that as a result of a process that takes over half a century, almost all Argentina's economy springs are linked to the current globalization. Even the unions have escaped this process.

From the institutional point of view and in the context of the full functioning of the rule of law, the Argentine Parliament has ratified the conventions that facilitate this current globalizing, remembering that according to the latest constitutional reform of 1994, ratified these treaties take precedence over laws. But as Andre Marshall argued in his "System and economic structures", 1955, in any economic system there are vestiges of what was and advances or "prodrome" of things to come. Our investigations have led us to conclude that without abdicating ideologically to the idea of Argentina as Consolidated, ethnological or anthropological terms, there are several "Argentine" or other words that we are a multiethnic and multicultural human conglomerate. This shows that there are different existential geoculture or platforms for action energy rationing. It's funny how those sectors that have been excluded from the benefits of assimilation radiated a little caricature of the "American way of life", are at greater capacity and ability to survive in a world where hydrocarbons tend to disappear or have costs that few can cover.

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