Many people suffer from sweating feet and blisters. The reason for this is winter boots, warm rooms, sudden changes in temperature and beriberi. Get rid of these problems will help folk remedies, which I will discuss in his article. To relieve pain, take a branch of the aspen, thoroughly dry it. Then this thread should be burned, the resulting ash to collect. Further details can be found at visit website, an internet resource.
Next to the ashes in the same amount of rye flour and add one teaspoon of vodka. All mix well. This should be lubricated with a mixture of sore spots on my leg. The bandage should be changed when the mixture cools and the more the better. You can take one more ancient, proven way to relieve pain. We need to take two or three glasses of good oats, and fill it with 1.5-2 liters of cold water and oats cook 8-10 hours.
The resulting broth to wash his feet, and mucus – rub it on the night and its good to drink. Remove calluses in the following ways. Must take a bunch of green onions, chop it until a pulp and apply it to the corn at night, no heat! After taking a hot bath can be sick for corn, at night put a slice of lemon (not a lot going sschipat). That get rid of Athlete's Foot, you need to do foot bath with sea salt (highly recommend), boric or citric acid. You can take warm socks, fill them in boric acid and walk in them around the house all day. This should be done about weeks, and preferably two. Very well to Athlete's Foot chamomile, which is sold in a pharmacy. From it we can make broths and add a foot bath. It is important to remember that the feet are not sweating would they need to keep clean. Not nasit close shoes that are not breathable.