The controversial law Sinde, informal name which is known to the available Final second of the law of sustainable economy, has caused rivers of ink from its origin until its recent adoption and publication in the Official Gazette. Through this law, which supposedly protects the rights of author, may be blocked, prior judicial authorization, access to websites of free downloads located on servers outside of Spain, that may be considered illegal. This measure has generated considerable public debate in which the Government of Spain, the recording industry and internet users defend their positions. This is the chronology of events: April 7, 2009. The appointment of Dona Angeles Gonzalez Sinde Reig as Minister of culture, causes a movement of denial among different groups of Internet users. October 19, 2009. The Council of Ministers held in Seville approves the project of law of economy Sustainable.
The original wording of the Bill included the second final disposition (which became the forty third final disposition in the final text) also known as law Sinde and Biden-Sinde law concerning the regulation of Web sites and the protection of intellectual property. In the process of parliamentary approval was removed from the draft law, however was recovered and passed in the Senate thanks to the help of the PP and CiU. November 27, 2009. The Council of Ministrostoma the initiative to adopt a set of measures which aim to modernise the Spanish economy mainly in three sectors: financial, business and environmental. December 1, 2009. The first final provision of the Bill which amends the law 34/2002 of services of the information society, empowers the Ministry of culture, through the Commission on intellectual property created for that purpose, to decide on the termination of activity of a page without the need for a court order. December 2, 2009. Given the inclusion in the draft law on sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of the freedoms of expression, information and the right of access to culture via the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, professionals and developers Internet sign the so-called manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the internet: on December 4, 2010 the national newspaper El Pais published a detailed articuloen that sumarizaba through 35 delayed from the American Embassy in Madrid revealed by Wikileaks in carrying leaked cables pressures he served us.UU.