' ' In the deep one of the weed-virgin Macunama was born, hero of our people. He was black retinto and folho of the fear of the night. It had a moment I silence where it was so great listening to murmurejo of the Uraricoera, that the indian tapanhumas give birth a ugly child. This child it is that they had called Macunama. Already in the meninice it made things of sarapantar. Of first it passed six years more than not speaking.
Itself they stirred up to speak, exclamava: – There! That laziness. (…) ' '. It is seen I break up in it above of the Macunama workmanship, the total rowdy and sluggish face of the new national hero and also the use of words of the aboriginal culture and the daily one, as to sarapantar that it today means to frighten. Macunama is antagonistic to all the characteristics of the Brazilian indian, who in the truth not to see in the indian its national identity. The Brazilian people is resulted of a great national miscegenation, that caused the not-formation of this identity, knowing until today who is not the Brazilian people. The workmanship of Andrade at the time represents the sluggish and smart side of the effective society in Brazil where if they had propagated the modernistas ideas.
It is a workmanship to the modernistas molds well that any linking with the erudite traditionalism of the past scares and breaks. She is one analyzes and summary of cultures that if mesclam in one only personage, Macunama, history if mixture with legends, traditions and, the Macunama hero is the result of this mixture of the indian with the white and with the black, it has the domain of the magic and is very sensual. The language used for Mrio is same the used one in the tribe of Macunama, as well as used vocbulos in the day the Brazilian day.