Providing Information Skills and Knowledge

This system provides information, knowledge, skills, references, collaboration and advice. Among the objectives of executive coaching are that the Board to develop both professionally and personally (ie, develop the 8 Habits of Directors) to achieve optimal performance as a manager or executive and custom development that has any impact at all levels the company. Among the advantages of executive coaching can include: 1.A a The first and most important advantage of coaching is its own provided to a bis bisa : a UA executive does not feel put in evidence, as may occur in practice in groups, and the fear that scrimmage be damaged when talking about his doubts disappeared. a UA develops in a climate of absolute trust and confidentiality. In this way, all issues can be discussed during a coaching session.

a UA continues to be a highly customized process. a 2.A Being an outsider, the coach or mentor helps: a UA Develop an adequate perception of reality. a UA positions from a broader perspective and less individual in dealing with different situations, which leads to solutions from other points of view not previously covered. Some of the conditions to be met by coach are: 1.A a Broad and deep knowledge of the world company. 2.A a Ability to create a relationship of trust, since the credibility (which is only achieved with honesty), assertiveness, understanding a 3A has to be a good communicator, and have the skills well-developed communication, especially active listening. 4.A a Ability to analyze and find the cause-effect relationships that exist in any action and create a personalized development plan effectively. a 5.A capacity to find, not the right answers, but the questions appropriate for different situations raised by its customer. a 6.A capacity to find opportunities in small stocks from day to day, and not in the big corporate actions.

7A a Ability to capture and take into account the variables that govern organizational culture in which the company is that condition the context in which it can develop their performance as Coach. a 8A has to take into account the goals and personal values of the executives on acting, as well as their own. a 9.A able to show how a model of trust, communication, motivation and direction. Finally, coaching is a learning process to develop the capacity for effective action of an individual. Coaching in the organizational context is the creation of conversational spaces to allow reflective processes that result in optimum work results expected by the organization. A coach focuses attention on business processes and identifying the trials make it difficult for team members work effectively coordinate actions. The coach knows that emotions are crucial to the results obtained in organizations. Understand the emotions as a predisposition to action that allows certain things possible and others not. a. a Eng Industrial-administrator, abogado.EGADE (ITESM), UC, University of Chile, Graduate Masters in Business Administration mentioned markets, human resources, quality and productivity, education Ed.D. Professor and researcher Graduate Area Faces UC.

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