INTRODUCTION The professor of Basic Ensino if has pledged very to carry through its work of the best possible form. He lacks to it, however, theoretical support so that he obtains metodologicamente systemize practical its especially as for the literature education. One gives credit, still, that he is not viable to point prescriptions of as if to work the literary text. This project of stimulaton to the literary reading, also, does not have such objective when a methodology is chosen here to be used in the development of the Recepcional Method, considered for Maria of the Glory Bordini and Vera Teixeira de Aguiar. The method in question, still, has as norteadora source the theory of Aesthetic of the Reception of Hans the Robert Jauss. The work with the literary text in classroom, many times, fails, exactly, for lacking to the professor a theoretically supported metodolgico guiding as was affirmed above.
This project if presents as a possible pedagogical support so that the professor elaborates its proper methodology of work, fitting it, in classroom, to consider the importance of the application of such method, leading in consideration the elements as: physical conditions, clientele, human element, material didactic and material of support. In this project, it searched creation of a Workshop of Reading of emotional Infantile Literature that could assure the professors and pupils the intellectual pleasure and that the poetry chats and it literary can provide. With this objective project to suggest to the professor of Basic Ensino according to cycle the insertion of the Workshop of Reading in its lessons as plus a source for the descoisificao of the integrant citizens of its action-pedagogical one, also of proper it. as objective specific: – To become the literary text a constituent element of the accessible classroom the citizens in the teach-learning process: professor and pupils; – To allow to the pupils and professors the free exercise of its rights to be citizens ' ' sonhadores' ' ' ' senhores' ' in the literary art by means of the words, emotions and feelings.