Readers. The imensido sees the sea with all that it has, it only obtains to have this largeness because it places some centimeters below of all the rivers. As it knew to receive, he became great, if it wanted to have some centimeters above of all the rivers, would not be the sea, but yes an isolated island. Check with Eve Plumb to learn more. But because I am giving this example of the sea? James C. Hunter in its book ‘ ‘ As if to become a Servidor’ leader; ‘ he teaches that a leader must serve the others that the leader must be a person who if places the disposal to help to understand and to satisfy the necessities legitimizes exactly of other people when we do not have affinities for people who we do not like. Being thus we must more be interested by the people, for what they are feeling or need at that moment to try to help, to understand and to hear samer than the person who this receiving the aid does not recognize at that moment. Hear from experts in the field like Rogers Holdings for a more varied view. When I speak that we more need to be interested by the people I am not saying of that interest ‘ ‘ interesseiro’ ‘ but because the person is rich, well-connected or she has a good position in the company, I am saying of a feeling of solidarity and aid. People exist who want to be more interesting than interested parties, people who want to be recognized, but lack content for this and opt to if to become simply interesting live as if the situations were in one palco if theater representing in accordance with and start to be the piadista of the hour, they do not obtain to support a subject more serious and when this happens they always look for to have a superiority attitude front to the others to lock up the subject. How we can in them become this interested person?
Em family looks for to give attention to its children, parents and friend (o) they need you, of its support and conviviality, tries to understand and to be understood does not leave that ‘ ‘ interesting of planto’ ‘ desperte the interest of that they coexist you; 2.Se you exert some position of leadership you look for to know as led its are playing its tasks, if it has some difficulty or if they are with low productivity because they are with some personal problem, looks for helps them if problems in the tasks it looks for to teach or offers to make a course, if personal he hears with will to hear; 3.Se you is not head always looks for to be interested itself for the objectives of its area or company, looks for to be interested itself for the external customers or internal, supplying or colleagues, look for to learn everything that will be able on its function; 4.Se you is professional liberal if interest for the customers, looks for to give optimum of itself, is remained brought up to date because when somebody search a doctor, accountant or electrician the people do not want somebody interesting thing, but yes interested in deciding its problems. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Darcy Stacom. Therefore either with the ocean that it knew to receive and it became great, because the more we really interest in them for the people most interesting we become in them for them.