As Cassab (2009, P. 46), at this moment its education aimed at to contribute for the construction of the idea of nation and nationality next to the pupils, being thus worked, as concept of territory in its classic boarding. The country that finishes to be servant, forged the people to a nationalistic spirit and Geography was imbuda to teach to the natural wealth and human beings all gifts in the immense territory. According to Cassab (2009), Geography was taught for professionals of other areas of the knowledge as lawyers, priests and for self-taughts person, still being that for a long period it did not suffer alterations in the practical didactics. The author affirms that in the resumes of the college Peter II, up to 1850 was descriptive, mnemonic, enciclopdica and very distant a geography of the reality of the pupil.
Until 6 period, the pupils attended a course Old the Geographia call, after this, started to have contact with the Geography of America and Brazil. The contents that were part of the summary were: division of America, division of America in regions, seas, gulfs and straits, islands, peninsulas, rivers, lakes, mountain ranges and volcanos of America. Passed this phase, the pupil studied the Geography of Brazil, and in the same way and sequence, discovery of Brazil, general Brazil and of the regions. From 1930, Geography starts to take a dimension bigger, still in 1929 is created the course of Free Superior of Geography, whose basic objective age to supply elements the construction of a national identity. In some states the course of Geography if installed in university, that is, a great apparatus was mounted for disciplines and also it had the creation of a community of gegrafos in the country. Geography started if to institutionalize and to gain force in such a way as Science how much as it disciplines pertaining to school.