For Federico Amory (*) It happened in a company in the interior of So Paulo. Pressured for the children, after much quarrel, the founder of the company accepted our intervention, to only make a organizacional diagnosis, during one week. The item that more called its attention had been the analyses of losses, not only of customers, financiers and of sales, as well as the level of wastefulness, retrabalhos, claims of customers, motivation of the staff and mainly for low the productivity of its directors and controlling. & ldquo; It never could imagine that as many losses in empresa& existed; rdquo; , it declared. ional Medicine. & ldquo; I do not have tempo& rdquo; & ndash; this is first excuse of the people who live lost and pass for the life without no concrete accomplishment, without something of which can be proud.
In other words they are saying & ldquo; this is not my priority agora& rdquo;. It would be excellent if they had well clearly in its mind, which are the priorities, based in values and a strategical plan that directs, motivates and inspires the involved people in the productive process, however, in the great majority of the companies they do not consider this perspective. What people find for there, are people who believe that only working 12h per day they go to obtain to hold the job, or to create a differential, or to gain a recognition, or promotion. It is not truth. What it interests for the companies are the results, not it worked time. To leave the comfort zone is not far from easy.
The entrepreneur (or manager) of the modern times is obliged to coexist changes. When it resists, it is in the maximum with 30% of possibilities to survive. Shortcuts do not exist, nor jeitinho. They are the laws of the market.