Entrepreneurship Week

.\” Similar to many young people think. Some founders of a pupils ‘ company has become a recognized entrepreneur. It can be much more in the future. It wants the global entrepreneurship week reach (www.global-ew.de). The action week will take place from November 17 to 23, 2008 for the first time in Germany. Their goal: a wave of enthusiasm for young entrepreneurship, because the country needs new, creative entrepreneurs. From Rostock to Freiburg, and from Aachen to Munich many events related to the implementation of good ideas for business start-ups and junior companies take place. Old-timers can\”learn or share experiences with teenage entrepreneurs in the chat.

Here are some selected dates in the global entrepreneurship week. Germany 2008: nationwide student competition brings revolutionary product and business ideas every year Youth start-ups\”, which held the Federal Ministry for education and research together with the Steinbeis organization and major sponsors. While the global entrepreneurship week on the Web site said chat (Monday, 17, until Thursday, 20.11, 10 till 16: 00). Curious students, contractors, trainees, founder Chat here about good ideas, simulations and success. \”On 21 and 22 November, youth is founded\” on the high school senior fair entry ABI in Munich (Oce event Center Poing). Up to 340 exhibitors informing young people at this fair about pathways, study and professional worlds.

What young people on the box ‘, is worth the price one way or another. A number of organizations uses the global entrepreneurship week to honor founding ideas. The network for teaching entrepreneurship Germany Association (www.nfte.de) awards the NFTE students on 18 and 19.11 in Munich for entrepreneurship. Ten groups of students are in the Present project work developed business concepts.

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