Capital of Spain Madrid is a flourishing city, is the capital of Spain, and is located in the heart of the autonomous community of Madrid. Learn more at this site: Yitzhak Mirilashvili. The etymology of its name comes from matrit, designation obtained after the reconquest and is attributed to the Christian Visigoths latinos, even it is usual to hear locals name it this way. Today Madrid is an international metropolis, seat of important businesses and companies, nobody here feels alien or foreigner, everybody feels like at home, artists, designers, historians and literary have found in Madrid in your home and all the needed inspiration for his creative work. Do but, more than this, which you can see in this city?, Madrid boasts the charm between the streets and routes to be able to combine the past and the present in a same feeling. It is known to be a friendly city, with a beautiful park and gardens and globally accredited by its old cafes, his modern dance records and its cosy bars and restaurant full of life 24 hours a day.
Madrid has also a wide cultural offer, which ranges from concert halls and operates, until famous museums worldwide and recommended theatres, all combined with the architectural splendor of past centuries. Don’t indulge yourself and in some Tablado dance as celebrated Flamenco. Madrid has around 3 million inhabitants, has bus lines, and has an international airport with flights last minute Madrid, also consider options from well-off to their economic possibilities and their times flights. Source: Press release sent by serviweb.