To defend with seriousness, rigorously, but also apaixonadamente, a thesis, a position, a preference, stimulating and respecting, at the same time, to the contrary speech, is the best form to teach, of a side, the right of terms the duty of ' ' brigar' ' for our ideas, for our dreams and not only to learn the syntax of the verb to have, the other, the mutual respect (FREIRE, 2002, P. 78). An education that if it shows authoritarian, did not recognize in the pupil a being capable to transform the world, they do not take in account the culture of the pupil and are less efficient to awake the interest of the pupil. As Pablo Freire says, in an imposed education: We dictate ideas. We do not change ideas.
We make a speech lessons. We do not debate or we argue subjects. We work on educating. We do not work with it. We impose an order to it the one that it does not adhere, but if he accomodates.
We do not propitiate it ways to think it authentic, because receiving the formulas that we give to it, simply the guard. It does not incorporate them because the incorporation is the result of search of that it demands, of tries who it, search and recriao effort. It demands reinveno (FREIRE, 2001, P. 104). Analyzing it question from the citation above, is evidenced the importance of the ideas of Pablo Freire, for an education against the domination, that favors support for the confrontation of ideas, values that impregnate the quarrels, on education. It is perceived, here, an extremely including character. For Pablo Freire, the ethical and aesthetic formation happens in the education, more necessarily in the classroom, when the society, the school, professor and pupil fights for a transforming education, dialgica and conscientizadora. In the perspective of Freire, pupils and professors are engaged in a critical dimension and creative in the process of the construction of the knowledge, where all teach and all learn a creative and recreador process on to the proper existenciais experiences and cultural origins.