South Schools

With the constant concern of that the children and the adolescents did not stop to study at the moment where she had the occupation for lands, it appears about 13 years the Itinerante School. On the basis of LDB 9394/96, searched it recital of the education as right that it is affirmed independent of the place where deferred payment. In this perspective, learning space is necessary to search a conception ampler of the dimensions time/, in which educators and educandos establish a relation of fight for education with entorno social and its practical, considering the way where they are inserted. The Itinerantes Schools are approved by the State Advice of Education, the first one Been to approve the Itinerante School were the Rio Grande of South. According to Luciano (2008), after two years of approval for the State Advice of Education of the Rio Grande Do Sul, the Itinerante School was recognized officially in 19 of November of 1996, with the name of ' ' Pedaggica&#039 experience; '.

It stops pointing out in them in this process, is basic to clarify that the Itinerantes Schools if differentiate of the Schools of the nestings, not being one same object. As in it affirms Luciano to them (2008), ' ' the schools of the nesting suffer greater have controlled of the public spheres and the direct influence of the structures and capitalist relations, while the Itinerante School, differently, meets in a privileged space of pedagogical formation (P. 77). The Itinerantes Schools in the Paran function as an extension of the State College Iraci Salete Strozak. The State College Iraci is situated in a great nesting located in Pretty River of the Iguau? PR. The biggest nesting of the agrarian reform of Brazil. To contextualizarmos the Itinerantes Schools of the state of the Paran, we have that over all, to contextualizarmos the conquest of the State College Iraci Salete Strozak, therefore in the sample the result of a conquest that if establishes the fight for education.

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