This ensures that one hundred percent control and signal processing is done in software on the DSP and CPU, all the way to interface analog converter. ” The integrated platform uses a comprehensive radio subsystem from Analog Devices Inc. is based on the ADF4602 transceiver multiband 3G femtocells in the final low-energy converter mxfear broadband. “We are amazed at the speed with which Octasic was able to integrate their solution with our broadband transceiver solution femtocells to develop an integrated platform for femtocells,” said Dale Wilson, product manager for the product line of Analog femtocells Devices. Octasic and Continuous Computing will demonstrate the integrated platform UMTS femtocells and pico in the Mobile World Congress next week in Barcelona, Spain, 15 to February 18, 2010 in the hallway of Canada, counter 2A97. About Octasic Octasic Inc.
is a global provider of software and silicon solutions for media processing and wireless modems for converging markets operators, enterprises and communications terminal equipment. DSP solutions for VoIP, video and multiple wireless base station with high quality standards are based on Opus, an innovative DSP architecture without a clock. Octasic allows manufacturers of next generation equipment significantly reduce system costs by offering unmatched performance in terms of density and energy consumption. Octasic, founded in 1988, is a privately held company headquartered in Montreal, Canada. About Continuous Computing Continuous Computing (R) is the global source of hardware and software solutions for wireless and packet processing, Trillium (R) that enable network equipment providers meet the challenge of the capacity of wireless broadband quickly and efficiently.
Leveraging more than 20 years of innovation in telecommunications, the company allows customers to increase return on investment by focusing internal resources on differentiating applications for 3G Long Term Evolution (LTE) femtocells, Deep Packet full inspection ( DPI). The expertise, innovation and responsiveness are the difference: Only Continuous Computing combines the best in its category ATCA platforms with world-renowned Trillium software to develop highly optimized and proven product in the field. CCPU. com. Continuous Computing is an active member of 3GPP, CP-TA, ETSI, Femto Forum, Intel Embedded Alliance, PICMG and SCOPE Alliance. Continuous Computing, the Continuous Computing logo and Trillium are trademarks and registered trademarks of Continuous Computing Corporation. Other names and brands may be confirmed as belonging to other owners.