The morning on Saturdays is the joint appointment to conduct the meeting of the sales force. The cool days, marks the return home to the commercial managers of foreign areas and the possibility of rest for everyone. On the other hand determines the four or five hours to do what's least favorite sellers, completing reports, fill out paperwork formats, etc. That almost always buttoned irresponsibly many hours of interviews conducted business. Resulting in the transcription of uncertain data, which others are not taken into account when strategically planning the future activities of marketing management. As not like collecting, tabulating, coding, analyzing and interpreting the information we are required to address in our sales calls, do not we do it in real time, but we use our talent for inventiveness for supply to a boss who almost never compares the information with the case and hold customers, but has learned to develop priestly capacity to listen to their vendors in an act almost confessional, where the most important is the amount of orders, which among other things, determine if it is high or not without knowing the results of the competition, ie without a measure comparison. What I do not like is important.
In every sales call before anything vendors must obtain all possible information about their products, the quantities ordered, the quantities released, rotation, stock, customer satisfaction, applications generated by regular and demand. This same information of the products of the companies considered their skills, their promotional activities, strategies, policies, its sales force. Payment behavior of customers, special dates of companies and individuals considered key in the negotiations, growth policies, the marketing mix program, among others. Only then is solid information that allows management to know their weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses to devise a strategic plan to generate sales and real budgets as effective and efficient tools in monitoring the implementation of marketing activities that seek a solid and sustainable growth.