
If you not to make its part, it you do not have nothing to make. In the current days this proposal is in fashion in the scope of the unions, the associations and the companies between the employers, used and leading. However, the meaning is: I am making for me and mine, what you must make for you yourselves and its. In other words, one turns over, as I am turning over or am making my part. ' ' Workers never joined will be vencidos' ' As he knows yourself, he is difficult to join a more difficult category and still to join diverse classrooms of workers, ideal of all leader. However, if somebody to obtain uniz them is clearly that it will be more difficult to fight them.

The logical one is to join in number, but in ideology nor in such a way, therefore the ideological equality, in a similar way that it constructs, also destroys. The proposal is ideal to demand right, to charge fulfilment of duties or to obtain benefits. In the speech case politician, the interpretation one more time plays for the people the responsibility with the task to arrange exits for its problems. If you to find more people to vote with me its order will be taken care of. If you are alone, you are deceased, therefore who only has its vote does not deserve representative. When one is about fight or campaign that leaves of the people, (a leader of campaign or syndicalist) in such a way can be inducing to look its equal ones or to enter into an alliance it the ones that they think in a similar way to gain force and to reach beneplcitos, in detriment of the others that do not share of the movement (strikers), how much can mention the different ones to it that, together can, each one in its, to search a form of &#039 alone; if to give bem' (the pierce-strike) the ones that talk with leader in the embroidery frames.

To conclude, I want to stand out the necessity of effort and understanding of the unsatisfied people and the population opponent, to learn to understand the language of the politicians, the authorities and the leaders in general way. I ask for this, as much for the respect to the institutions and its competent consisting authorities, as well as for the recognition of our linguistic incompetence interpreting its words so well intentioned. Also I ask for excuses for the times that I said to my leader politician badly, because now I only understood that, at least, all only want well to its next one, what already he is very Christian, that its friend of party or its neighbor does not mean to be. In the maximum, each one wants to fight the evil in its house. It is enough now that each one fulfills its duty and if strengthens to learn to read and to interpret, literally, the words of its leaders, giving the arm to twist and taking off the hat, respectfully. Words – key: philosophy – corruption moral politics ethical. 1 Teacher of Portuguese and English of the IFPA Campus of Itaituba-Par.

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