Methodological Procedures

Groups and folclricas dances: Batuques, Ox of the blanket, Candombl, Marriage in roa, Cantigas, Congado, Against dance, Dance of the Ribbon, Dances of wheel, Dance of the semeador, Dance of the sewing press, Dance of the pole, Encomendao of the souls, End of Weeding, Incelncia for rain, Ladainha, Marujadas, Pastorinhas. PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS. In this I capitulate are presented all results of the carried through exploratria research next to 15 inhabitants of the city of Jequitib, MG, on the subject ' ' Mining Capital Jequitib of the Folclore' '. A complexity of opinions is perceived, when the interviewed ones had had the chance, through the elaborated questions, to demonstrate its ideas, freely. In the questionnaire, annex in the end of the monograph, the intention was to perceive the interest, participation and valuation of the city of Mining Capital Jequitib of the Folklore. All the interviewed ones had had the option of if identifying or not, but they had preferred to expose itself, also with other data, such as age, time and exerted functions. To follow, the used metodolgicos procedures for the accomplishment of the chosen research on the thematic one are transcribed.

It analyzes and Interpretation of the Data. The presented monograph however constitutes a reflection process and critical, with conclusions taken off from the research and interview in the jequitibaense community. 10 questions, directed had been made the 15 resident people in Jequitib, with ages of 15 the 70 years. For facilitation of the data-collecting, the interviewed ones had been divided in three categories: of 15 the 25 years, the 26 36 years and above of 37 years. It is important to register the disinterest of great part of jequitibaense youth for the subject in study, when only one significant number of these had the interest in being answering to the considered questionnaire. The etria band of bigger experience of life was the one that more detached and collaborated with the research.

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