When you are not specialist in the subject, I you recommend that before publishing online, if you have a person that knows on the subject, you work with you or you trust it to read its article to collaborate with information. 3 Having the points that he intends to develop: One of the dynamic that help me to improve my writing, ideas structure are to be clearly on the questions that I intend to develop. You, then, to select the item that you are developing sub-subjects throughout the article. The problem is that when the structures are not defined, for times, to leave for the tangent and to lose the north of the main subject. To define the points they will go to help it until finding information specific and having more references on the subject. In the Internet you have much speed to publish a history or subject, but also the quality of the contents in all is important its manifestations.
4 Either clearly on its public: You must take away mark the hearing for its writing, because to the times they commit the error of subestimar its knowledge or lack of knowledge with some terms. To the times we commit the error to believe that all the terms that we use can clearly be for the public. If you are an invited collaborator and I asked to an item, I recommend that you can know the public of this half. You write for the reader you do not stop itself exactly, many you commit the error of understanding of the article, but we want to know if the final reader really to understand. 5 Leia the commentaries of its readers: This is my favourite part of my articles, commentaries of the readers, because it is where I learn more, where new ideas surjem or questions for future articles. When I test my knowledge and descobro if really the information was useful or if I committed some error the readers are the best critics and we do not have to subestimar what they say in the commentaries, to the times the commentaries discourage in them, but to the times these commentaries are those that inspire in them to improve. These are only five tips that I have rank in practical and still are learning to write better for web. It shares its list of tips to write better.