The age can be biological, psychological or sociological to the measure that if focuses the aging in different ratios of some capacities of the individuals. In the decade of 60, only 5% of the population they had more than 60 years, the forecasts for 2020 are 13% of the population with this age or more. However, the transformation of the oldness in social problem cannot be faced as only decurrent of the demographic increase of the aged population. In this way, problematic more it to age orbit around the functioning of the society in which she is inserted of what by vol. of the same one (Dourado and Leibing, 2002).
Currently, it is considered one existence ‘ ‘ Fourth Idade’ ‘ that it would englobaria people with 80 years. In accordance with some estimates, this etria band will reach a considerable representation about 4,5 million people in up to 2020. Canado consonant (1996), the increase of the number of aged also has been folloied for a significant addition in the years of life of the Brazilian population. The life hope, that was around 33,7 years in 1950/1955, passed to 50,99 in 1990, arrived up to 66,25 in 1995 and will have to reach 77,08 in 2020/2025.