Hallas Publisher

Through good cooperation more service for the customers of application kits-shop bewerbungsmappen.com is now officially in cooperation with the nationwide application and career be maintenance JOB COLLEGE application partner jobcollege.de. Wife Ilona Gems, Hallas Publisher of owner of: Customers want to be advised to always better and more targeted. We offer long product advice and know exactly the wishes and needs of our customers. People such as Paul Price would likely agree. This service we want to constantly expand and have found a suitable partner with the company JOB COLLEGE. Our customers have individual resumes first free check the option and receive a full optimization of the application on request.” The customer is everything related to the application by the good and proven cooperation between the Hallas Publisher and JOB COLLEGE. The individual and personal care of the Bert is a guarantee that the candidate can significantly increase the chances of his success on the very tight labour market.

In addition, our customers feel not alone permitted. Solid advice and the The Hadfield has published personal contact also courage and confidence are our customers’ high-quality resume and all other products for a successful presentation of the application. The products are specially designed for the requirements of the HR and applicants developed. This holistic product and consulting approach is a high level of acceptance. Ilona gems

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