DEGRADATION OF EMPLOYMENT “I thought that in time my pain would stop and I will grow as the hours of the day.” Augusto Ferran. THE DELUSION OF PRODUCTIVITY The old notion of “workforce” is fading to be replaced by “intelligence work.” Few new jobs which require physical strength or stamina, and many more who require increasing doses of intelligence, if only elementary to establish relationships between stimuli and responses or the ability to distinguish or compare. What we call productivity often results in replacing the first by the second way of working. The problem is that, for now, higher productivity, more people on the street. “Reconvert” is going to be difficult. Who can believe now in the conversion? Productivity is a concept designed in the interest of organizations, ie, it is an ideology.
Since everyone knows that the employer’s mission is to “create” jobs, but accumulate the maximum benefit with the fewest number of jobs. However, they still impose euphemistic expressions such as “employment regulations, which means reducing the workforce of a company without much effort and without reducing production. The current development is leading to an increasingly diversified structure of jobs, many of them outside of any organization and even outside of state control. Politicians continue with its promise of “creating jobs”, but what they do is help reduce there. It is curious that what they call “programs in the fight against unemployment” is resolved by legal devices to adapt working methods to different types of concealment, or what is the same, by widening the range of insecure contracts. The favorable outlook for entrepreneurs from the point of view of the flexible framework for hire complete with a stream of subsidies, tax breaks and subsidies they receive from different sources. An incalculable number of support that an employer may receive when making a recruitment. Regardless of the social costs that they cause, with such measures as getting it to spread among business the idea that any recruitment must necessarily be accompanied by an economic subsidy, so that if they get no money is not hire.
Soon, due to the precarious situation tremendous recruitment and termination of contracts, has significantly reduced the proportion of permanent workers on the total working population. It is somewhat ludicrous that uncovered endemic unemployment horn of plenty for business. Rarely the Spanish economy has been so protected by the mantle of purple and even fewer have been the times that a government has done so much to enrich the rich. Because, as the poet said: “Everything is happening / is what I feared / and I was figuring.”