
If you have a birthday, anniversary, wedding or other celebration, the boredom and melancholy minutes will save you the competition. At the table are such pauses, when the talking is over. And here you are, just, help contests. There are funny and not. More precisely for some funny and not funny to others. Let us define: Competition (lat.concursus) – a competition involving several individuals in a particular field (be it history, science, etc.) to determine the most appropriate party. The competition can take place in several stages. And what are the adult Contests birthday? They are available for different age groups.

Generally speaking, they are for children and adults. So in What is the difference? And they only differ in the level of complexity. Children are better suited for the game in motion, but adults may think. Strict distribution of competitions on the subject no. There is no difference for my birthday or a wedding contest. Usually they all fit well in any event.

Types of competitions on the day of birth: Competition models – organize fashion shows, watch and appreciate who and what the parents were awarded. Vocal competition – is shown by oratory. You can also use your hands and feet, and complete performance dance. Dance competition – everything is simple, performs a dance. Hello, looking for talent – then someone on that much. Good dancing! Forward. Bad dancing, but a good father? Show their child. And to be honest, it just shows the diversity of their nature. Music: dancing, singing, reading his poems, in short, everything that we can. Beer Marathon – in this competition the competitor with the most pumped liver. In Finally, I want to decide what is better competition. The answer is everyone differently. As the saying goes' every man to his own taste. " Therefore, it is better to you. I hope that you will find contests, which are suitable, namely, your company.

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