Brazilian Year

At this administrative moment the education of the city of Palms is worthy of compliments, crosses an exemplary phase for all in agreement country points the results of the Index of Development of Educao Bsica (IDEB), as given divulged for the Ministry of Education (MEC) in day 23 of September of 2011. The indices of the capital had favored positively in the IDEB of the State. Palms passed of a IDEB of 4,4 in 2007 in 4 series (5 year), for 5,4 in the year of 2009, being the capital that more developed in numbers in the evaluated period, the result were a national goal to be reached only in 2015, in the final series of basic education also had good ascension growing 0,8 points in two years, in the year of 2005 Palms had 3,8 passing to 5,6 in the last survey.

Considering only the advance offers municipal theatre is still bigger of 3,8 for five points in two years. Reaching the goals established for 2013. The numbers certainly characterize Palms as reference not only in the state of the Tocantins more also for all Brazil, being proven that the good examples are next to what imagines, are not necessary to leave the country as many public managers costumam to make to try to copy models of administrative success, exactly because the reality is very different economic, social and cultural of the Brazilian. She is necessary to multiply the good examples and of viable, more easy costs to be implanted joined in the neighboring cities, the states to the side or even though in other regions of the country, that although to have a great cultural diversity certainly the differences can be assimilated with bigger easiness of what the imported experiences.

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