EasiRun Europe, HTWC and TELEBIG are behind bonede Usingen, the 14.09.2012 – bonede, expert on change processes in IT, is a new European organization that provides technology-based solutions and services at all levels of the IT modernization in a software life-cycle: before the change, during the change, after the change and beyond the change before, during, after the change and even beyond. bonede supports companies and organizations in the implementation of change processes in the it change processes can be IT-related, or a combination of IT and pure business topics with consequences for IT. bonedes goal is to ensure that company also cope with the changes and challenges that they face. bonede recognizes and understands the implications and risks of the long-term process of change. bonedes activities include the definition, support and implementation of a clear path in the future, based on long-term vision, security and independence, while avoiding the risks of short-term or short-sighted options. bonede sharpens the eye for the four basic components of the IT strategy implementation that is continuously influenced by the overall strategy of the company and the evolving processes.
An equivalent focus on platforms, technologies, applications and people to ensure that these equally important pieces of the puzzle together fit into the overall solution. A successful, smooth transition without any of these items is not possible. With this approach, the task of continuous, iterative transition through all phases will be a manageable task. bonede’s services and tools serve a wide range of platforms, including IBM, Bull and Fujitsu mainframes, iSeries IBM, as well as other proprietary platforms. The environments relate to applications, databases, transaction monitors, batch, security and printing.