Small Business

The software product "1C-Bitrix Site Manager" – the universal tool for creating and managing a modern web design. "1C-Bitrix Site Manager" allows for stable operation and economical development of the Internet project, as well as minimize the cost of maintenance of the site due to ease of management structure and contents. Start "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Start" – a modern management system content (CMS). Edition includes four product modules: the main module, modules for controlling the structure and the information blocks, a search engine. "Start" button allows you to manage site structure, edit text in htlm-editor publish news, create folders, assign access rights. Standard "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Standard" includes 9 modules of the product to control the structure and content information blocks, web forms, forums, and subscription lists, surveys, site search, including a new module for creating blogs.

Expert "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Expert" – a versatile tool for developing and managing Internet project. In the editorial board consists of 17 modules of the product. "Expert" allows you to manage content and structure, assign access rights, to conduct surveys of visitors, to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, to support automated service tech support and much more. Business "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Business" – the full version of the product; includes 21 module allows you to organize the collective work of the site, to effectively develop the dealer network to develop an online store, to optimize the management of online sales, configure and update the data in a format CommerceML of "1C: Trade and Warehouse" and much more. Editors 'Business' is integrated with electronic payment systems Assist, Yandex-Money, WebMoney, allows you to customize the interface to initiate the procedure of payment of plastic cards, receipts Savings Bank, bank transfer and other means of payment. Small Business "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Small Business" – a special solution for small and medium-sized companies. "Small business" allows you to cost-effectively create their own online store, to support dealer networks and to manage site content. The editorial board includes 10 modules to create a catalog of products and distribution rights of access to price, order processing, visual editor Edit site content, publishing news, and more.

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