This study it presents the results of the research that it searched to identify the profile of familiar agriculture in the city of Guaraniau/PR, the reality and the difficulties of the small enterprises not-agriculturists. The research was carried through between February and May of 2008. 2. OBJECTIVES the objective of the present work is the survey of the profile of the familiar Agriculture of Guaraniau/PR, leading in consideration the agriculturists who also exert activities agriculturists not to complement the income of the family, being looked for to identify the reality of the familiar agriculturists and to raise the problems and difficulties of the same ones. The knowledge of these item is important to know as to manage them. 3. FAMILIAR AGRICULTURE To define familiar agriculture as analysis concept is not easy task.
In accordance with study carried through for accord FAO/INCRA (1996) the familiar producers must have no permanent employee less and or than five workers temporary in some month of the year (LOURENZANI, 2008). Melo and Ribeiro (2008) affirm that to define it for the size of land and number of workers contracted in the agricultural unit it was a form used for the planning agencies, agrarian reform and agricultural development of Brazil, mainly for ends of statisticians and financing. However, familiar agriculture is related to other on aspects the family, to the work, the land and the environment, who surpass numerical limits, the cultural matrices are associates and make it difficult a necessary and ample definition. According to Lourenzani apud Guanziroli et al. (2001) familiar agriculture does not have to be defined from the size of the establishment, having the direction of the works to be exerted by the producer and the work of the family to be superior to the work of third, including as familiar agriculturists, the leaseholders, the partners and the one who holds legal titles to property.