Political Discussion Recipe

The way for a legal quota of women seems to be free. Eltville – Erbach, 23 October 2013 – which way for a legal quota of women seems to be free provided Union and SPD will agree today starting coalition negotiations over the formation of a grand coalition. The proportion of women has a social majority but, Union and SPD represent different opinions with regard to scope and introduction. So the Social Democrats before the election have called authentic introduction a 40 per cent gender quota for supervisory boards and boards listed and with certain companies. The Union planned in its election manifesto, however, that 30 percent of the Board of management and supervisory board positions in companies listed and subject to co-determination 2020 women are occupied. To meet this, feed needed to keep up until then significantly more women at the top levels of management. Strategic approach on many levels of management is about a women’s quota”already more concrete thinking. The reason is that Recognizing that a balanced management structure can improve the corporate culture at all levels.

We advocate always mixed teams”, explains Claudia Schmidt, Managing Director of Mutaree GmbH. “She adds: companies already living diversity, work better than mono-cultural-run companies, they grow faster and usually more profits.” Gender management as part of a diversity strategy is not only value drivers. “Many companies are in the war for talent” on a balanced team to prevent the shortage. The smaller the sooner imagine a company managing this challenge. Women are on the rise.

However, decreases on”the proportion of women in management positions with increasing size of the company, says Schmidt. In many projects we see that more able women in small and medium-sized enterprises to occupy management positions.” Thanks to a strong public debate are in recent years Women even if slowly on the way to the management levels. The proportion of women on the boards of the 200 largest companies according to the Federal Ministry for family, senior citizens, women and youth 2012 amounted to 13 per cent. On the boards, there were only four percent. The political campaign has conclusion the discussion of a gender management emergency-tan, so that companies are more sensitized to this topic. Alone with a women’s quota is many companies but not helped. The success include a coordinated recruitment strategy and a focus on the promotion of existing talents. An early promotion of talent brings women out often own high potentials. Company to generate an individual women and to place itself as a pioneer, and to remain competitive, do it with a complementary mentoring program.

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