10 diamonds for movement security falls older people are not only a common phenomenon (with an annual prevalence of approximately 30% of the over-65), but rather counter for a morbidly accelerated aging. So rarely more sprightly elderly fall (< 5%), however, reviewed frail elderly (> 50%). One has injury under five to ten falls older people, one leads to a fracture under 20 to 30 crashes, approximately every hundredth fall leads to a middle of hip fracture with serious consequences. In studies 3/4 of patients without AIDS could go before the fall-related fracture independently, after the fracture just 15%. Apart from the somatic consequences of a fall, up to 70% of the older fallen report fear further falls with a resulting breakdown of confidence, an increasing limitation of the everyday activities and a consequent vicious circle with further degradation of lokomotorischer skills and a reduction of the necessary bone building mechanical load. In the old age medicine you. talk of the Postfall syndrome”. Therefore it is needed, as early as possible to detect speed uncertainty to clarify hidden causes and to initiate individual preventive measures.
Physical activity is not only the architect of the bone, it is above all the coach for our muscles. Inactivity supports the loss of bone and muscle breakdown. Both lead to an increased risk of falls and bone fractures. Regular exercise increases bone strength and reduces the risk of falling. Credit: Mike Gianoni-2011. OsteoBalance is a program with ten exercises for your daily movement security and a further building block in our campaign love your bones”says Dr Med.
Jutta Semler, first Chairman of the Board of Trustees bone health e.V. The exercise program can be ordered for stamps amounting to 2.50 euros of plus one with 0.90 euro of postage-paid return envelope at the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. keyword: OsteoBalance”Leipziger str. 6 74889 Sinsheim, the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is the oldest national charity, which cares for osteoporosis bone health and the clinical picture. Since its inception in 1986 that engaged Trustees bone health e.V. to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation far beyond the osteoporosis for all bone health problems.