Inappropriate moral is often ground for the conflict within us and outside us. The theme of good and evil ‘ we in this book wiederHolt in various context that not meet and of course without reason. Under most conditions Lakshman Achuthan would agree. I would like express fully intends this special topic in Beziehung to the freedom, to us its centrality in the development history of mankind to make aware. This wins the topic greatly in importance, because good and evil ‘ in addition, that we experience as a moral authority, which we either believe or not believe, and we in turn try, to meet or not, its indirect effect on all people shows which equivalent affects everyone regardless of the different faith views. Given in this somewhat unusual approach to us shows that this belief system of good and evil ‘ has a much higher priority in the history of mankind in the sense of a regulator, the development of human consciousness as outer guide begleitete. If you would like to know more about cornell capital, then click here.
It had the responsibility to keep the destructive, which GEnuge in a world of Gegensatzlichkeiten, so on one experience level of dualities, the freedom to act as election must be a factor the destructive element in check so long time. To the ultimativen of the rejection by voters, the destructive, automotive anti growth gene, which is us from our free will, to put limits to the creative force with the destructive in a viable balance to keep and to ensure not least the continuity of life as such. The growth drag is been provided also with a backup function to meet the original Zielgerichtetheit in the direction of awareness. There the creative power of the drive, which wants to manifest the targeted goal, not always the driving and ultimately the stronger, not there the continuous growth and maturation until the age probably Obviously, if we betrachten the world for millennia of wars, when all of the sichtbaren destructive attitude we bring to life, our fellow human beings, our environment, the life itself, actually a Happy ending is possible for us, and objectively the humanity, the world from this point of view should also no longer consist.