Efficient Leadership

Carlos Mora Vanegas our leaders transform the experience into wisdom and at the same time transform the cultures of their organizations. In this way society transforms globally. It is not a process clear and it is not necessarily logical, but it is the only one we have. Warren Bennis has been signaled, exposing with emphasis of the absence of leadership in the national territory in all his roles from the opposition (politics), education, social, business, while disclosure of how has been very fruitful converted, play that leadership calling for the present time. In the specific case which concerns us, of companies, there is definitely a lack of effective, proactive, leadership especially given a turbulent scenario, vitiated, risky faces, as the cause of a Government that has crucially affected with their ideology, actions in the productive sector of the country. Unfortunately occurs before the national reality, absence of leaders capable of generating transformations, changes that are needed, efficient to make the country highly productive enterprises, who know how to take advantage of the opportunities, the challenges and generate the changes necessary to activate the economy, does not make it dependent only on incomes generated by oil. Venezuela may not succeed if you do not have a managerial leadership capable of giving passage to actions involving to rescue the wearing out of the productive apparatus, simply by not knowing face their reality and generate plans, strategies that activate the great possibilities that globalization, the same commercial openness that the Government is generating with alliances, treaties, efficient. It is time, a proactive more determinant of the universities, particularly its schools of management, training of new leaders with the necessary knowledge allowing to better enable the country’s productive system. CEO John Watson can provide more clarity in the matter. The program of the graduate of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of Faces, of the University of Carabobo, this fully aware of this responsibility and has evaluated the national reality of the actions of the current managerial leaders, discovering large gaps in their training, commitment, responsibility that allows really give way to a leadership more efficient, capable of generating a new organizational culture that favors companies.

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