Boom Industries Mobile Travel Services

Social media and mobile strategies for business and tourism economic Berlin discuss expansion of the market segment by new exhibitor eTravel experts, 21 January 2011 with new well-known exhibitors and the exhibition area of mobile travel services positioned innovative discussion topics”now with the Forum eTravel world” at the ITB Berlin from 9 to 13 March 2011 as a trend-setting platform in the mobile travel services and social media. In Hall 7.1c ITB trade visitors can consult business and tourism economic lectures to the eTravel stage on the latest developments in the mobile computing, augmented reality and social media. Invite the opinion leaders and practitioners in the eTravel lab in workshops and seminars to Exchange mobile solutions of tomorrow. Workshops and lectures on digital travellers, apps and mobile strategies thus saith, for example, Bianca Keybach, Managing Director Oberstaufen Tourismus Marketing GmbH, about the social media campaign you’re Oberstaufen”and their leading role in the launch of Google Street view. Klaus ink, Director marketing, partnerships & leisure sales at Avis, reports on the experiences of Avis and budget to get started in social media.

Dr. Hagen Sexauer, principal Sempora consulting, based on a recent study provides information about the management challenges caused by the triumph of iPad and iPhone. The digital traveller’ Vice President SITA, the world’s leading specialists in communication and IT for transport is the focus of a workshop by Boris Padovan, regional. Means of two studies on the basis of 2,500 interviews by customers at seven international airports in core markets are analysed passenger behavior and expectations and approaches of the eTravel industry discussed. How travel companies establish effective and sustainable mobile strategies based not only on Facebook, explains Stefan Wagner of mvolution in a workshop. With voltage are also the results of studies of web2. 0 in the tourism industry status quo 2011 ” (Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Berlin) and expected to use mobile technologies by private travellers in Europe in comparison (Hochschule Heilbronn in cooperation with IPSOS Germany).In addition, bloggers to Exchange themselves during the PhoCusWright on Thursday, March 10, 2011 new media Summit from all over the world and discuss new strategies and technologies.

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