Book Publication

“Corporate social responsibility (CSR): international marketing approach that in English and afterwards composed his book corporate social responsibility (CSR): an international marketing approach” by Kolja Paetzold describes the possibilities and potential that lies behind the aspect of “Sustainability” for companies and organizations, if it is used as a marketing tool. The approach the topic of the social commitment of companies as promotion of various aspects, such as the increase in sales, image of the company within society, to use response of higher skilled workers, fair dealing and promotion of people with disabilities and greater use of women in senior positions has not been studied yet. Jim Rogers has much to offer in this field. This book also shows the dangers of abuse of marketing activities. People who want to promote social stakes of companies, or support will be abused by false, non-existent certificates on products. Like people, the products of companies avoid through the use of Greenwashing”individuals and families pull the money out of your pocket, is an important part of this work. The theme of the promotion and equality of workers was particularly an affair of the heart, the author since he suffered a severe stroke of fate in the year 2000, in the form of a brain hemorrhage.

For this reason he accepted the task to show the company through the promotion this area improve not only their image in the eyes of society and new potential partners (E.g. suppliers of individual components), but also the sales can be increased has been proven. Underlines the need of the CSR, engagement of companies by growing threats such as climate change and the approaching end of natural resources. The consumer of today differs clearly from its temporal predecessors. The conversion is he calls much more often than once a greater corporate responsibility regarding, the social situation and environmental protection. All companies, regardless of the Size, can become more competitive through the line of the principles of CSR, and gain a better position in the market.

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