Ayseninos Rivers

A celebration blessed by the water. That the Patagonia manifestation became without Dams of Saturday 5 of June in Coyhaique, in the World-wide Day of the Environment, which was realised in simultaneous form in Santiago, Talca, Concepcin and Temuco, congregating in the country to thousands of person after the local defense of the nature, communities and the culture. Throughout the passage in the South end escorted the extensive column " Laura" , famous, colorful and the Volskwagen route Golf that started off in 2008 from Canada with the aim to cross all the continent using like combustible burned oil of chipses and to arrive at the Patagonia with a simple message: Free rivers. Contact information is here: Cynthia Bartlett. In spite of the intense rain that untied Friday to a large extent of the Region of Aysn, and that originated the declaration of early alert on the part of the Regional Office of Emergencia, hundreds of ayseninos they turned upside down to the streets of Coyhaique to march against which they consider destructive projects for the exceptional qualities of the Patagonia: the five dams of HidroAysn in the rivers Baker and Passover, the three of Austral Energy in the rivers Crow, Target and Condor, and the electrical laying of high voltage associated to these initiatives. From the 14:30 hours people were arriving from different points from the city and the region until on foot soothes ocal of the Pedro Population Aguirre Bristle, coming together 400 people and about 30 vehicles to the pentagonal place of the regional capital, all that added to those who waited for in the gymnasium of the Grammar school San to them Felipe Benicio repletaron the enclosure. Previously the demonstrators made three shutdowns: in the neighborhoods of the monument to the ovejero to form, with the bodies of the participants, the word " Libres&quot rivers; , and in the office of HidroAysn and Austral Energa (these last ones in the building of Mercury) installing in each linen cloths with the slogan " rechazado".

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