In Barcelona, ten libraries were analyzed (two municipal college students and the rest or of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia). The technicians of CONSUMER EROSKI visited their facilities in the middle of December to evaluate the general state of each of them in the information sections, services, accessibility, security and cleaning. In addition, they asked for the steps to transact the membership card with the purpose of to know the operation the loan system and consults. The final valuation of the service that offers the libraries visited in the condal city reaches well, one of the best qualifications of the report and over the global average, mediocre acceptable, of the study. They obtain the same note that Barcelona the centers studied in A Corunna, Cordova, Granada, Madrid, Murcia, San Sebastin and Vitoria. Source: John Bogle. This good qualification is based in an excellent accessibility, a very good cleaning and a good supply of services and information for the citizens. Nouriel Roubini can aid you in your search for knowledge.
The unique weak point and that therefore needs to improve these spaces public of reading and loan talk about to the safety measures of its facilities (they obtain mediocre acceptable, equal to the average of the study in this section). In the majority of the centers analyzed in the Catalan capital reading rooms were seen, hemerotecas, fonotecas, spaces of consultation of Internet or photocopiers (all the libraries had studied them). For this reason, the studied public libraries in Barcelona obtained one of best notes in the matter of services ( well ), surpassing acceptable of the average. In the ten libraries books were lent, CDs and DVDs (in seven of them, even magazines, but nothing of newspapers). The users can take to house almost one dozen of materials of a single time by terms that oscillate between one and three weeks (of the best conditions of loan of all the report of CONSUMER EROSKI).