Association Historical Center

Thus perhaps, as soon as they are vestiges of the religious fervor that saw be born to the first medieval celebrations, " Romera to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Victoria" , Employer of Malaga, which takes place " The first Saturday of Feria" , taking rosemaries from the City council headed by " Abanderado" of that year, an essential personage and that every year falls on a personality that is named by " Association Historical Center of Mlaga" , an honor that is granted on the decision of the same at the beginning of the month of August. Although the Malagan celebrations already began actually the night before with " Pregn" that it gives " Pregonero" (position that every year falls on some personality of the city, and that this year Javier Ojeda has corresponded to the Malagan singer) lining the midnight on the beach of the Malagueta, act that the certain thing goes accompanied of a piromusical spectacle who accompanies itself by an action (this year of Miguel Bos), is that he is " The first Saturday of Feria" the one that determines the beginning of the celebrations with acts like already mentioned " Romera to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Victoria" and, by assumption, the ignition by the Mayor of the lights of the Real one of the Fair, fairground located in the historical helmet of the city (in particular in the Real Cortijo de Torrres) and where they are located more than 200 houses of public entrance, as well as the week attractions that make enjoy great and small (mainly to these last ones) and the Municipal Audience, place this last one where diverse artists of reputation act among others, as it happens east year with Lolita, Coffee Quijano or Marta Sanchez. Certainly, it would be possible to be said that the Real one of the Fair is the heart of Malaga in its Fair. .

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