Norbert Malsbenden

Finally, detecting problems at the customer and the development and implementation of individual solutions is a key success factor in the competition. In addition to the individual case handling, the savings potential when authorizing a reputable debt collection company plays a role should not be underestimated: the cost of mandating a debt collection company as damage caused by default are now widely recognized and must be taken over by the debtor. A further execution exceptions or incorrect invoice items by individual of dubious debt collection agencies would be beyond the scope of this article. Due to the new legal situation in the law on out-of-court legal services (RDG) since June 2008 and the associated possibility to settle the legal Dunning proceedings also due to debt collection agents, new ways to reduce costs in relation to the law mandating or own measures are emerged. Each correctly calculating entrepreneur knows that at the end of a specially of parked employees for the collection of the claim not worthwhile. A kostensparendere and more effective method can appear on companies that currently collect their accounts receivable by lawyers to, to move them in the best case a 2-track-approach. (Pre-trial and payment collection on collection service provider, since fees typically lower; contested claims and continuation after opposition in the order for payment procedure to lawyer!) In addition to viewing the current economic aspects of the collection, there are noticeable effects psychological effects on the debtor only in the long term. Through the acquisition of the collection of debt collection company and its address to the debtor, this projected his possibly negative feelings to the collection company and not to the creditor, what can avoid negative impacts on the future relationship between creditors and debtors.

Debt collection company can a larger exert pressure on the debtor, the creditor himself or his lawyer. Examples: Telephone debt collection and preliminary site collection. A good debt collection company knows the multitude of psychological contexts and can positively affect the conversation with the debtor and ultimately cause him to pay. And so Gets the slogan we take care of your needs so you can take care of your business. “Life breathed so that at the end is one of the success: the creditor gets his money and loses his business partners not yet!” So take the time and compare the offers of individual debt collection companies in the Internet; the respective appearance will facilitate greatly the choice of the right company. Norbert Malsbenden

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