For science, the typical judgment of the elaboration of the knowledge cannot be analytical a priori one. SYNTHETIC JUDGMENTS A posteriori Are the responsible judgments for extending our knowledge, whenever they say something of new to the citizen contained in it. The synthetic judgments are the ones that we formulate through the experience. These experimental judgments are synthetic and magnifiers of the knowledge. As Kant, however, also science cannot be based on this type of knowledge, therefore, essentially, she depends on the experience, being a posteriori, what not it of the o universal and necessary character of. Of these judgments a posteriori we can, when very, to extract generalizations, never a universality and a necessity. SYNTHETIC JUDGMENTS A priori Are the judgments formulated for Kant in its theory of the knowledge.
Its estimated part of the speculation of that if nor the analytical judgments nor the synthetic ones are half insurances to arrive at a safe knowledge. Which would be, then, the kantiana exit for such problem? Kant elaborates a synthesis with the two types of judgments. The type of judgment that Kant brings, innovating the history of the philosophy and the theory of the knowledge, is a type of judgment who must join, of one alone time, a priori one of the analytical judgments? what guarantee the universality and the necessity? with the synthetic one? that it guarantees the fecundidade. The examples used for Kant to explain this type of judgment are of the arithmetical operation. The proposal of that 5 + 7 = 12 cannot be analytical, but synthetic. We appeal, in meanwhile, to some resources to make this operation, either counting the fingers, or in the abacus, or the tip of the pencil. To this Kant intuition flame, with which we see to appear in synthetic way the number that corresponds to the addition. Kant if advances more, affirming that the same synthetic proposal (5+7=12) valley for geometry.