Residence in the Czech Republic – (residence permit) – status foreign national obtained under certain legislation Czech registration procedure, which allows live and work in the State during the period of long-term visa. Czech status which is assigned to an individual foreign government agencies on the basis of the Czech Republic issued a long-term visa. Visa can be business or a visa to reunite with his family. The base may is the registration of foreigners in the Czech Republic, the founder of the firm or an individual entrepreneur, as the base can serve as a job offer from an employer in the Czech Republic. Permanent residence in the Czech Republic – (permanent residence) visa for 10 years in the Czech Republic is given to foreigners only in the case of the prior possession and stay for five years in the status of residence and lack of in this period in the Czech Republic for a period not more than 10 months (300 days). Permanent residence visa equates to a foreign citizen residing in the Czech Republic to all the rights and duties of citizens of the Czech Republic and the European Union. Residency in the Czech Republic – the contract rental housing facility (apartment, house, room) to stay foreign citizen.
Availability of residence gives the right and duty of registration at the police Bohemia. Alien registration in the Czech Republic must pay greater attention to the lack of it punished administrative penalties. Insurance for foreigners in the Czech Republic – contract insurance of foreign citizens in the period of the long-term visa.