Wilfried Reuter

Find a way of to inner strength access to the inner sources of strength it is possible that Buddhism in the West can permanently gain a foothold? He remains a marginal phenomenon, or slips even into the wellness spirituality? Succeeded very convincingly the Berlin meditation teacher and obstetricians and Gynecologists Wilfried Reuter with his book, to show the people of today useful perspectives. It offers life coaching is the timeless teachings of the Buddha are based, is represented in a contemporary language and refers to the reality of our modern life. He describes how we to inner strength can find and resolve old habits and gain access to our inner sources of strength. Wilfried Reuter has implemented very seriously and now successfully his teacher Ayya Khema, to call to establish a centre in Berlin and lead, as everyone easily can convince himself, the Lotus Vihara looking up in Berlin’s Centre, a very vivid Buddhist Centre. He is also working as practising obstetricians and Gynecologists and sure it helps that he knows what Burns us on the nails and is important. In his book, he examines the questions, what distinguishes people who lose not the grip even in difficult situations, and how we can strengthen and develop such a capability. Wilfried Reuter brings many practical exercises and examples and shows how the teachings of the Buddha today can contribute. The book is accompanied with a CD with a Mindfulness – and a Mettameditation. Hardcover, 208 pages, with CD, ISBN 978-3-942085-08-3, edition of 19.90 euro steinrich 2010, Traudel Reiss.

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