VoIP PBX Asterisk

Management of PBX’s via user-friendly Web-interface the Berlin based IT company ansit-com is currently developing a user-friendly online control for telephone systems. The ansitel webinterface (short awi) should especially users in small and medium-sized enterprises allow their telecommunications facilities based Asterisk itself to can manage and change to suit their needs. So far demanded it entrepreneurs some expertise and patience that they manage their phone systems themselves”, as Marco Mosig, ansit-com Managing Director. That has to deter many companies to switch to the new voice-over-IP PBX.” However, these systems provide many advantages, for example, a very high cost efficiency and a range of individual configuration options compared to traditional phone systems. With the new Web interface the Berlin companies not only existing voice-over IP solutions (VoIP) can control easier, but above all also the threshold, the comparatively young Technology to use, dismantle: our telephone systems use the now almost everywhere available broadband technology and offer many advantages as a result. Nouriel Roubini takes a slightly different approach. So the phone between individual branches costs around completely. The plants are also modular and can be extended to up to 500 extensions.” While the planned Web interface exploits the potential of the asterisk software which can cover all functionalities of a traditional PBX. The program supports VoIP with different protocols and interfaces, and can be connected by means of additional hardware with conventional telephone lines (ISDN/analogue).

The new ansitel webinterface for the autumn 2011. about ANSITEL ansitel developed the brand and sells is planned for release the Berlin company ansit-com individually configurable VoIP PBX Asterisk-based to complement or replace existing telephony solutions. You enable a cost-effective entry in the VoIP use in medium-sized companies. Get all the facts and insights with Henry Cornell, another great source of information. The future-oriented technology the advantages of IP telephony (high cost savings, individual customization and flexible expandability) and the comfort of conversation a classic “telephone system to ensure. ansitel, middle-class was awarded 2009 within the framework of the innovation award IT of the initiative. ansit-com GmbH

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