Vibes For Another World

Animal welfare sampler of Ivaldi sound workshop information to a Musikprpjekt, which benefit to animal welfare. Music has become tangible for everyone today, instruments have become very cheap and teachers such as books can be found en masse. This has the consequence that there are more and more music styles and types of the game, and discover many talents. The “Ivaldi sound workshop” would allow young artists who have little audience on a sampler to appear, which should unite all styles of music. Classic alternative, metal as well as soul, country rock, and similar. Many artists have already enlisted to support the sampler. One of them “Robert van Oz”, a highly talented pianist from North Germany. Of this project that “Vibes for another World” bears the name, proceeds benefit liberated animals “Animal Central e.V.” Association out of trouble. You can be curious! Publication: Summer 2009 further information under: author: Sascha Bose

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