Theodor Friedrich WEG

International experience parallel to school & study must have! Every second dream of an alien fails in the financing and/or the will to realize this project. Missing endurance during the preparation and partly wrong advisors in the own environment can be often very quickly burst the dream. As in many things in life, perseverance leads to the goal here too, because experience abroad must have! ‘ You can’t finance it at all? So I could not afford that.’ Sets with envy factor, who know many foreign designers. So ends the dream of an abroad of education often at an early stage, before he began. It is only once since has, to leave the familiar environment and the intimate circle of friends, already the first doubts. Without Moos nix los – bye, bye abroad. So the year abroad or stay abroad for three months breaks no great financial hole in the wallet, should be researched at an early stage. Click Jim Rogers to learn more.

Numerous funding programs of the State and the EU, but also by foundations, Auslandshungrige support universities and associations ‘ in financing their distant. The problem is revealed but when researching on the Internet. There are many different programmes to individual training stays abroad. But what support program fits? What personal requirements must be available? There is what deadlines when applying for and where the application should be submitted? Many questions looking for answers. Students go to their University academic Office of Exchange to get the answers.

But where repeated the much-needed answers for the first student study trip or a High School Year of the student or his parents? Parents can visit with their children info evenings by training providers and get also information about funding opportunities in addition to program information. It is however difficult to identify advantages and disadvantages of the offer on such a night. It remains only to visit several information evenings, if the time required is available. The solution is the personal counselling. bildungsdoc builds a network for free counselling in Germany. The education consultant interested in education to create its own educational plan. And the educational Advisor locates the appropriate education, including funding with funding for this. Because educational success can be planned from the start of school! Education services and guidance for schools, parents, students, trainees, graduates, students and adults is bildungsdoc. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.

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