Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov informed specialist in Gynecology and obstetrics for healthy nutrition and balanced diet are also significant, as a sufficient range of motion and physical activity realization of an ideal of the right body image. Compliance with these factors do not always prevent that smaller problem areas remain, in which fatty deposits just not want to disappear. The Gelsenkirchen specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics, MD Nazif Tsvetkov, introduces friendly solution of corresponding aesthetic problems due to this the injection-lipolysis as easy. The injection-lipolysis is an aesthetic therapy applied since the mid-1990s as gentle resolution smaller fat deposits. It was developed in Brazil by the doctor Dr. Patricia ride and takes in Germany since the founding of the network lipolysis”in 2003 to spread.
Now is considered to be standard procedure in esthetic therapy and one enjoys Reputation based, in particular, that even after many thousand applications no serious side effects are known. In the frame of the injection-lipolysis, smaller fat deposits of the human body be resolved chemically through a targeted injection. The substance to use Phosphatidylcholine is extracted from soybeans and comes apart from the aesthetic therapy in drug for treating lipid metabolism disorders and liver disease to the use. For the injection-lipolysis, Phosphatidylcholine is dissolved and injected into fat deposits in the bile acid deoxycholic acid. There it initially causes the dissolution of the walls of fat cells, binds the fatty acids released this and ensures their transport to the liver through natural metabolic processes. Be used the dissolved body fats as an energy carrier of human metabolism in the liver.
The friendly, risk-free nature of the injection-lipolysis due to the fact that it stimulates normal metabolic processes and hence no unnatural intervention in the represents the human body. Body fats, promoted to the human metabolic processes of lipolysis can be processed completely, so that they don’t accumulate in the form of fat cells. For this reason, the field of application of injection-lipolysis confined to the aesthetic correction of minor problem areas. It is not suitable to contribute to weight loss or break down of large fat deposits. Should be used here, is a technique for liposuction (Liopsuction) reasonable. The procedure of the injection-lipolysis requires a high precision and experience in dealing with Phosphatidylcholine. It is therefore advisable to carry out the therapy by a trained expert. Doctors, who, like Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov, the network lipolysis”belong to, set down internationally developed, strict rules of therapy and training procedures. Patients can be sure to find the necessary expertise for a professional injection-lipolysis. Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov stands for further information and expert advice to the injection-lipolysis in their Gelsenkkirchener practice available.