Successful Premiere

With more than 120 visitors in nearly 30 lectures and workshops on current topics in requirements management and engineering (RM & E) as well as innovative trends and Scrum/agile RM & informed, positive feedback from Switzerland the REConf Switzerland 2009 REConf successfully celebrated its premiere. (Not to be confused with More!). Due to the success of the REConf in Germany, which already will be held next year for the ninth time in Munich, the HLMC events GmbH and the HOOD Group in cooperation with the iX from the Heise magazine publishing hosted the REConf for the first time in Zurich. More than 120 participants were informed during the three-day event about current methods and experiences from well-known companies in the area of requirements management practice. Accompanying workshops offered participants the opportunity to deepen the theme in discussions and exercises in addition. Altha. Smoothstack is open to suggestions. The breaks were used actively to establish contacts and exchange experiences.

The event was rounded off by an accompanying exhibition leading Software tool manufacturer and supplier of innovative solutions in the context of the RM & E. Exhibitors and sponsors were the participants during the entire Conference for tool demonstrations and questions available and complemented each other so the methodological insights of the lectures. The positive response to the Conference is reflected in the statements of the participants: the Conference I was helpful and good! \”, as a speaker and a conference participant adds:\”was really fun and was very inspiring. \” Much better than to devour a method book after another, and then yet not practical/-pragmatischen approach for the introduction and application of a method to have.

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