Regional Development

Based on the name of the section, one can conclude that in this case, the legislator meant by legislative acts exclusively federal laws. P. 42 of the Regulations contains the reference rules of Section 32, based on the content of which is possible to conclude that section 10 is required to development in the cases stipulated by federal laws (see above). In this case, based on the content of paragraph 32, we can conclude that this section is required to develop against, including the following line features: a) hazardous industrial facilities in parts of escalators, lifts, cable cars and other linear facilities (routes), transportation (Appendix 1 to the Federal Law “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”), b) hydraulic structures such as tunnels and channels (Article 3 of the Federal Law

“On the safety of hydraulic structures”). Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “On the Procedure for development and coordination of special technical conditions for the development of design documentation for the object of capital construction under consideration Order Minregion Russia adopted pursuant to and in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulation approved under consideration Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation and regulates the relations between the development and coordination of technical specifications (hereinafter – the TSA) to develop technical documentation for the object of capital construction. Total content under consideration of the Order of Russian Ministry of Regional Development is reduced to the approval procedure for development and harmonization of technical specifications for the development of design documentation for the object of capital construction (Hereinafter – the Order)..

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