Promotional Conferences

Republic of the PARAGUAY ATENEO of language and culture GUARANIGUARANI, MERCOSUR NE TEETE, from 13: 00 hours, the Regional streams and estuaries of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI will perform in its own premises, the day of updating teaching about LINGUISTICS GUARANI. The address of this Regional is in charge of the Mg. Sabina Antonia Ovelar Cabrera. The agenda includes: 1) notable matters of phonology, morphology and syntax Guarani; 2) Applied exercises; and (3) teaching techniques. The statement of the day will be conducted by David Galeano Olivera, Director-General of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI. Participate in the course teachers and students of teacher training of different companies of Arroyos y Esteros; also from Tovati, ambush and first of March.

MBO ehara has mbo streams ijatytava and Esteros-pe eharara ohesa yijota Guarani hikuai ne epukuaa, ne eysajakuaa has ne ejoajukatu has upekuevo hikuai Guarani onembokatupyryveta ne aporekope, ikatuhaguaicha ombo hikuai nane Avanee eporave etekuaa e. DAY of update in GUARANi culture, at KAPIATA on Tuesday, July 7, from 08: 00 hours, the school basic Jorge Alberto Rojas Ramirez of Loma Barrero (district of Kapiata) will perform at his local, the day of updating teaching about culture GUARANI. The school principal is Prof. Irma Lopez Gayoso. The coordination of the day is in charge of the Mbo ehara Andresa Recalde, teacher of such a school and the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI. The opportunity the following topics will explore, among others,: concepts of culture and subculture (enclaves). Heritage, learning and social adaptation. Scientific culture and popular culture.

Urban and rural societies. Migrations. Indigenous communities and their timeliness. Symbolism and cultural norms. The day will be developed by David Galeano Olivera. Ko atyguasupe ijatyta heta MBO ehara ombo eva Kapiata, j. Augusto Saldivar has Itape. It has ekuera oiporavokuri umi ekuaara ikatuhaguaicha ikatupyryve hikuai umi epe mba mba has upekuevo ombo hagua mita eporave has mitarusukuerape. XXVI JORNADAS of update Directors and teachers of the ATENEO Friday 10, Saturday 11 and Sunday July 12, 2009, from 07: 00 hours, the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI carried out the XXVI JORNADAS update of Directors and teachers of the ATENEO. These days will be carried out at the headquarters of the ATENEO, located in Julia Miranda Cueto 1721 between Ytororo and R.I. 3 Corrales (zone South Fernando de la Mora), phone (021) 520.276. The agenda of these days includes administrative and academic topics that have to do with the courses the ATENEO develops at national and international level. Also, simultaneously, shall be classes in the course of Cultural Anthropology Guarani and Paraguayan, and Ph.d. in language and culture Guarani. One of the instructors of these days will be Dr. Shaw Nicholas Gynan, Professor of Spanish and Linguistics at the University of Washington in the Western United States. Likewise, in the opportunity to the Mg. Paublino Carlos Ferreira, multiplying knowledge and information acquired lately in the seminar international of terminology for the languages of MERCOSUR, organized by the Latin UNION together with the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI and the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of Asuncion. UMI ara mbohapy aja sambyhyhara has eharakuera ohesa yijota mba eichapa ATENEO ohohina hikuai mbo rembiapo nane tuichakue javeve reta has ambue tetare. Avei umi mba ATENEO ikatuhaguaicha ojejapo tekoteveva onembohysyita rembiapo imbareteve opaite henda rupi. Ipora ja mombyrymbyrygui outaha umi sambyhyhara hikuai avei has mbo eharakuera, omba apokyre yva omyasaivo nane Avanee akointe e.

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