Modern video conferences are now hardly imagine companies. Modern video conferences are now hardly imagine companies. The reasons for the use of video conference systems are obvious. Companies save time-consuming travel and can reduce costs through reduced travel activities of their employees. Also, employees have the opportunity to use their time more effectively for the day-to-day business. The characteristics of video conferencing solutions for use in a professional environment range of workplace solutions for small – and medium-sized conference rooms to systems, which are used in Conference rooms. Here you find a short description about company in the selection of display media in conjunction with video conferencing should look on what criteria? Must the display medium for video conferencing be how big? A display medium must be according to the size of the room, the number of participants in the room and the content to be rendered Orient, as well as the distance from the Viewer to the screen. The following is an overview of benchmarks: display diagonal of 42 inches recommended for distances from the Viewer to the display of up to 3 meters / 106 cm at a distance from the Viewer to the display of up to four metres are recommended display diagonal of 52 inches / 132 cm at a distance from the Viewer to the display of up to 5 meters recommended display diagonal of 70 inches / 177 cm at a distance from the Viewer to the screen by > display diagonal size of over 70 inches are recommended 5 meters or Projections it is advisable the use of modern LCD displays or projectors.
These support resolutions of 1920 x 1080 pixels. How many display media should I use for a video conferencing solution? Two displays are useful if you often parallel to transmitting video presentations. In this case, the size of the room is taken into account. A very elegant solution is when a large display medium instead of two small display media is inserted. LCD or projector what Solution makes more sense for video conferencing? Currently, LCD due to the high brightness is recommended.
However, be aware that larger LCD display media are also significantly more expensive. The image of a projector can be represented in almost any size. Disadvantages are noise and life of the used lamp. Another disadvantage of projector is that the room must be darkened, to get a good representation. Problem is, then, that the room is too dark to achieve good picture quality of the camera. A high quality projection screen must exist – any white wall or on a canvas, which can be extended manually or electrically. To what extent should the display medium for video conferencing be attached? Principle here, too, that this can vary depending on the size of the room. It is recommended that the eyes of the video participant of the destination in the image have the same height as the participants in the room. -castrol-axel-c/’>British Petroleum. How do you install a display device for use with video conferencing? Also here can There are several solutions. A solution is that the advertising medium on a sideboard or a table. Another variation is that a system or a cart is used. This solution is usually also roll designed to use the video conferencing solution in different rooms. One of the more elegant solution approaches is the mounting on the wall. The strength of the wall is here to check in advance. David Czeromin