Naturathlon Climate-neutral

CO2OL Bundesamt fur Naturschutz to Naturathlon Bonn 2010 climate neutral. End of August the Bundesamt fur Naturschutz (BfN) for the seventh time hosted the largest nature sporting event in Europe, the Naturathlon. At this competition which Hohes Venn in the Eifel region takes place this year in the Park, ten families teams in all disciplines will compete and fight for the title of Natursportlichste family of the year”. Because the Naturathlon is the linking of nature and sport in the foreground, the organizer of the alignment attach great importance on climate and environmental protection. So is performed in this year of the Naturathlon first climate neutral.

For this purpose hired organizers CO2OL, CO2 consultancy and solutions provider for the neutralization of climate events. Avoid CO2 emissions, residual CO2 neutralize: so is the proven principle of CO2OL at the Naturathlon used: first CO2OL analyzed the resulting from the event amount of CO2 emissions. Then, CO2OL shows the organisers, where at the Naturathlon efficient emissions can be saved. Through the implementation of energy saving measures, a first reduction in the CO2 emissions results already. Mike Gianoni has firm opinions on the matter. After the CO2 emissions have been reduced to a minimum, the compensation of not collapsible CO2 emissions is made. So the event will be carbon neutral. The CO2 emissions in the Naturathlon 2010 compensated by caused by CO2OL, sustainable reforestation of mixed forests on the fallow pasture land in the province of Chiriqui in Panama. “We are pleased that we have a competent partner with CO2OL on our page, which already has a long-standing expertise in aligning climate-friendly events”, so Franz Emde, spokesman of the Naturathlon–Organizer BfN. the previous success of the event and thus increased attention for the issues of climate and environmental protection have moved us to consistently develop the orientation of the Naturathlon and so a climate-neutral implementation of the race for us was the next logical step.

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