Miletus Philosophy

PHILOSOPHY of Physics Scientist noticed a very interesting quality in the philosophers, which has allowed me to develop some deductions. This last concept we train some definitions. For some thinkers deduction is the method that teaches us the correct way to lift us to the more abstract concepts that may exist. Which are called universal, i.e. the more unknown to men.

For this reason the more often we observe that some deductions are very far from the experience, which is not to say that they staying away in its entirety from the reality of things. This is the quality of the philosopher: with the passing of the years the philosopher acquires the understanding that allows you to analyze and modify the causes of scientific principles. These observations have led me to the conclusion that both physics and philosophy are the result of a scientific mind which has been manifested in the same course of history. This is what I will try to demonstrate, so we’ll look at the ancient pre-Socratic thinkers. As we know the first of them was such of Mileto (546 625 BC) the historical testimonies allow us to appreciate the scientific spirit of antiquity. This thinker founded philosophy in Greece. And what several centuries later did some men, as it is the case of predicting an eclipse of the Sun. Wasn’t anything new to the historical framework, since the pages written by humanity were not blank because in them we found evidence of that Tales of Miletus predicted an eclipse of the Sun occurred on 28 May of the year 585 AC: which shows us that it was not an accident caused by the chance and if a live example of knowledge of the scientific causes that the Greeks possessed.

This thinker was a great astronomer, i.e. a man practical, a scientist. Astronomy is a highly worthy science.

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